Wednesday, March 25, 2020

"Wit" by Margaret Edson, Pages 39-51

Poem of the Day: “State Evidence” by Sharon Olds

This week's lessons can be found on this blog post:
For A Block - ELA Lessons for 3/23 - 3/30
For F Block -  ELA Lessons for 3/23 - 3/30

Today's Lesson:  Read Wit by Margaret Edson, Pages 39-51

Assignment:  If you would like to comment on the text, you may use the questions, below.  I posted the film if you would like to see it performed.  Anyone is welcome.

Reading Questions

1.  How could Vivian’s cancer treatment be considered a paradox?

2.  What paradox is unearthed in John Donne’s sonnet “If poisonous minerals”?

3.  In terms of characterization, what parallel is made between Vivian and Jason? How could the comparison be described as ironic?

4.  How dis Vivian treat her students?  How was it similar to E.M. Ashford?  How was it, ultimately, completely different?

Wit (2001)

Reminder: Look at last Vlog for important info. See brief excerpt, below:

The State of Massachusetts has set guidelines about our learning experiences. At the time of this posting, there will be:
  • No directed curriculum
  • No deadlines
  • No graded assignments