Monday, December 16, 2019

Due Friday, December 20th - Alternate Ending of "A Doll House" by Henrik Ibsen

Overview and Directions:  We discussed Ibsen's play A Doll House and viewed the end of Act III. Nora leaving Torvald is famously called, "The door slam heard around the world."  At the time, the powers that be forced Ibsen's hand, and he reluctantly changed the ending in order to avoid the outright ban on his play.  Below, view the original ending and read the alternate ending.  How does this new ending make you feel?  How does it alter Ibsen's message and intent?  Ibsen wrote Ghosts as rebuttal to this ending and the public 's reaction.  What can we expect to see in Ghosts?  Explore. I look forward to your responses.

Original Ending of A Doll House

Alternate Ending of A Doll House 

NORA. ... Where we could make a real marriage out of our lives together. Goodbye. [Begins to go.]

HELMER. Go then! [Seizes her arm.] But first you shall see your children for the last time!

NORA. Let me go! I will not see them! I cannot!

HELMER [draws her over to the door, left]. You shall see them. [Opens the door and says softly.] Look, there they are asleep, peaceful and carefree. Tomorrow, when they wake up and call for their mother, they will be - motherless.

NORA [trembling]. Motherless...!

HELMER. As you once were.

NORA. Motherless! [Struggles with herself, lets her travelling bag fall, and says.] Oh, this is a sin against myself, but I cannot leave them. [Half sinks down by the door.]

HELMER [joyfully, but softly]. Nora!

[The curtain falls.]