Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Due Wednesday, March 4th - Your Original Poem & Class Poetry Slam

Overview and Directions:  I would you to compose your own poem.  Please explore different poetic forms, rhyme schemes, use of alliteration, assonance, consonance, and think about scansion and diction.  NOTE:  I want to see your writing process, so drafts are a must.  If you compose your work electronically, please save multiple drafts.  These will count as journal entries, too.  Use that space to explore.  Think about themes or poetic situations.  I will include some writing prompts and a list of forms to help you begin.

Please post your completed poem to AND on this blog space (share just a stanza if you like) by Wednesday, March 4th.  Final performances will NOT be mandatory. Extra credit only.

If you are pleased with your work, please consider the three poetry reading experiences I shared in the previous blog post.  I would love to read with you.

Poetry Writing & Performance Rubric 
  • Multiple drafts in your journal
  • Overall quality and completeness of the final writing product
  • Development of theme (i.e. clarity and consistency)
  • Appropriate use of literary devises and poetic form
  • Final Poem posted in AND in this blog space
  • Performance and reading
  • Conduct during writing workshop/SLAM readings

101 Poetry Prompts & Ideas for Writing Poems
from think written

Most of these creative writing ideas are simple and open-ended. This allows you total creative freedom to write from these poetry prompts in your own unique style, tone, and voice.

If one poetry idea doesn’t appeal to you, challenge yourself to find parallels between the prompt and things that you do enjoy writing about.

1.The Untouchable: Something that will always be out of reach

2. 7 Days, 7 Lines: Write a poem where each line/sentence is about each day of last week

3. Grandma’s Kitchen: Focus on a single memory, or describe what you might imagine the typical grandmother’s kitchen to be like

4. Taste the Rainbow: What does your favorite color taste like?

5. Misfits: How it feels when you don’t belong in a group of others.

6. Stranger Conversations: Start the first line of your poem with a word or phrase from a recent passing conversation between you and someone you don’t know.

7. On the Field: Write from the perspective of a sports ball {Baseball, Soccer, American Football, Lacrosse, etc.} – think about what the sports ball might feel, see, hear, think, and experience with this poetry idea!

8. Street Signs: Take note of the words on signs and street names you pass while driving, walking, or riding the bus. Write a poem starting with one of these words you notice.

9. Cold water: What feelings do you associate with cold water? Maybe it’s a refreshing cold glass of water on a hot day, or maybe you imagine the feelings associated with being plunged into the icy river in the winter.

10. Ghostwriter: Imagine an invisible ghost picks up a pen and starts writing to you.

11. Lessons From Math Class: Write about a math concept, such as “you cannot divide by zero” or never-ending irrational numbers.

12. Instagram Wall: Open up either your own Instagram account or one of a friend/celebrity and write poetry based on the first picture you see.

13. Radio: Tune in to a radio station you don’t normally listen to, and write a poem inspired by the the first song or message you hear.

14. How To: Write a poem on how to do something mundane most people take for granted, such as how to tie your shoes, how to turn on a lamp, how to pour a cup of coffee.

15. Under 25 Words: Challenge yourself to write a poem that is no more than 25 words long.

16. Out of Order: Write about your feelings when there is an out of order sign on a vending machine.

17. Home Planet: Imagine you are from another planet, stuck on earth and longing for home.

18. Uncertainty: Think about a time in your life when you couldn’t make a decision, and write based on this.

19. Complete: Be inspired by a project or task be completed – whether it’s crossing something off the never-ending to-do list, or a project you have worked on for a long time.

20. Compare and Contrast Personality: What are some key differences and similarities between two people you know?

21. Goodbyes: Write about a time in your life you said goodbye to someone – this could be as simple as ending a mundane phone conversation, or harder goodbyes to close friends, family members, or former partners.

22. Imagine Weather Indoors: Perhaps a thunderstorm in the attic? A tornado in the kitchen?

23. Would You Rather? Write about something you don’t want to do, and what you would rather do instead.

24. Sound of Silence: Take some inspiration from the classic Simon & Garfunkel song and describe what silence sounds like.

25. Numbness: What’s it like to feel nothing at all?

26. Fabric Textures: Use different fiber textures, such as wool, silk, and cotton as a poetry writing prompt.

27. Anticipation: Write about the feelings you experience or things you notice while waiting for something.

28. Poison: Describe something toxic and its effects on a person.

29. Circus Performers: Write your poetry inspired by a circus performer – a trapeze artist, the clowns, the ringmaster, the animal trainers, etc.

30. Riding on the Bus: Write a poem based on a time you’ve traveled by bus – whether a school bus, around town, or a long distance trip to visit a certain destination.

31. Time Freeze: Imagine wherever you are right now that the clock stops and all the people in the world are frozen in place. What are they doing?

32. The Spice of Life: Choose a spice from your kitchen cabinet, and relate its flavor to an event that has happened recently in your daily life.

33. Parallel Universe: Imagine you, but in a completely different life based on making a different decision that impacted everything else.

34. Mad Scientist: Create a piece based on a science experiment going terribly, terribly wrong.

35. People You Have Known: Make each line about different people you have met but lost contact with over the years. These could be old friends, passed on family, etc.

36. Last Words: Use the last sentence from the nearest book as the inspiration for the first line of your poem.

37. Fix This: Think about something you own that is broken, and write about possible ways to fix it. Duct tape? A hammer and nails? Use this hammer as inspiration for a poetry prompt idea!

38. Suspicion: Pretend you are a detective and you have to narrow down the suspects.

39. Political News: Many famous poets found inspiration from the current politics in their time. Open up a newspaper or news website, and create inspired by the first news article you find.

40. The Letter D: Make a list of 5 words that start with all with the same letter, and then use these items throughout the lines of your verse. {This can be any letter, but for example sake: Daisy, Dishes, Desk, Darkness, Doubt}

41. Quite the Collection: Go to a museum, or look at museum galleries online. Draw your inspiration from collections of objects and artifacts from your favorite display. Examples: Pre-historic days, Egyptians, Art Galleries, etc.

42. Standing in Line: Think of a time you had to stand in line for something. Maybe you were waiting in a check-out line at the store, or you had to stand in line to enter a concert or event.

43. Junk Mail Prose: Take some inspiration from your latest junk mail. Maybe it’s a grocery store flyer announcing a sale on grapes, or an offer for a credit card.

44. Recipe: Write your poem in the form of a recipe. This can be for something tangible, such as a cake, or it can be a more abstract concept such as love or happiness. List ingredients and directions for mixing and tips for cooking up your concept to perfection.

45. Do you like sweaters? Some people love their coziness, others find them scratchy and too hot. Use your feelings about sweaters in a poem.

46. After Party: What is it like after all party guests go home?

47. Overgrown: Use Little Shop of Horrors for inspiration, or let your imagination run wild on what might happen if a plant or flower came to life or started spreading rapidly to take over the world.

48. Interference: Write a poem that is about someone or something coming in between you and your goals.

49. On Shaky Ground: Use an earthquake reference or metaphor in your poem.

50. Trust Issues: Can you trust someone you have doubted in the past?

51. Locked in a Jar: Imagine you are a tiny person, who has been captured and put into a jar for display or science.

52. Weirder Than Fiction: Think of the most unbelievable moment in your life, and write a poem about the experience.

53. Fast Food: Write a poem about fast food restaurants and experiences. Do you like fast food? Write about a recent fast food experience in a poem – good or bad!

54. Unemployed: Write a poem about quitting or being fired from a job you depended on.

55. Boxes: What kinds of family secrets or stories might be hiding in that untouched box in the attic?

56. No One Understands: Write about what it feels like when no one understands or agrees with your opinion.

57. Criminal Minds: Write a poem from the perspective of a high-profile criminal who is always on the run from law enforcement.

58. Marathon Runner: Write a poem about what training you might be doing to accomplish a difficult challenge in your life.

59. Trapped: Write about an experience that made you feel trapped.

60. Passing the Church: Write a poem about noticing something interesting while passing by a church near your home.

61. Backseat Driver: Write about what it’s like to be doing something in your life and constantly being criticized while trying to move ahead.

62. Luster: Create a descriptive poem about something that has a soft glow or sheen to it.

63. Clipboard: Write a poem about someone who is all business like and set in their ways of following a system.

64. Doctor: Write a poem about receiving advice from a doctor.

65. First Car: Write an ode to your first car

66. Life Didn’t Go As a Planned: Write about a recent or memorable experience when nothing went according to plan.

67. Architect: Imagine you are hired to design a building for a humanitarian cause you are passionate about.

68. The Crazy Cat Hoarder: Write about someone who owns far too many cats.

69. Queen: Write a poem from the perspective of a queen.

70. Movie Character: Think of a recent movie you watched, and create a poem about one character specifically, or an interaction between two characters that was memorable.

71. Potential Energy: Write about an experience where you had a lot of potential for success, but failed.

72. Moonlight: Write about an experience in the moonlight.

73. Perfection: Write about trying to always keep everything perfect.

74. You Are Wrong: Write a poem where you tell someone they are wrong and why.

75. Sarcasm: Write a poem using sarcasm as a form of illustrating your point.

76. Don’t Cry: Write a poem about how not to cry when it’s hard to hold back the tears.

77. Listen Up: Write a poem telling someone they are better than they think they are.

78. Flipside: Find the good in something terrible.

79. Maybe They Had a Reason: Write a poem about someone doing something you don’t understand, and try to explain what reasons they might have had.

80. How to Drive: Write a poem that explains how to drive to a teenager.

81. Up & Down the Steps: Write a poem that includes the motion of going up or down a staircase

82. Basket Case: Has there ever been a time when you thought you might lose your mind? Jot your feelings and thoughts down in verse form.

83. Lucky Guess: Many times in our life we have to make a good guess for what is the best decision. Use this poetry idea to write about feelings related to guessing something right – or wrong.

84. Dear Reader: What audience enjoys reading the type of poetry you like to write? Craft a note to your potential audience that addresses their biggest fears, hopes, and dreams.

85. All or Nothing: Share your thoughts on absolutist thinking: when one’s beliefs are so set in stone there are exceptions.

86. Ladders in the Sky: Imagine there are ladders that take you up to the clouds. What could be up there? What feelings do you have about climbing the ladders, or is their a mystery as to how they got there in the first place?  Where might this ladder to the sky lead? Write about it!

87. Always On My Mind: Compose a poem about what it’s like to always be thinking about someone or something.

88. Paranoia: What would it be like if you felt like someone was watching you but no one believed you?

89. Liar, Liar: How would you react to someone who lied to you?

90. Secret Word: What’s the magic word to unlock someone’s access to something?

91. For What It’s Worth: Use a valuable object in your home as inspiration as a poetry prompt idea.

92. Coming Home to Secrets: Imagine a person who puts on a good act to cover up a secret they deal with at home.

93. Productivity: Talk about your greatest struggles with time management and organization.

94. Defying Gravity: Use words that relate to being weightless and floating.

95. Signs of the Times: How has a place you are familiar with changed over the past 10 years?

96. Sleepless Nights: What ideas and feelings keep you up at night? What’s it like when you have to wake up in the morning on a night you can’t sleep?

97. You Can’t Fire Me, I Quit: Use one of the worst job related memories you can think of as a creative writing prompt.

98. By George: You can choose any name, but think of 3-5 notable figures or celebrities who share a common first name, and combine their personalities and physical characteristics into one piece of poetry. For example: George Washington, George Clooney, George Harrison.

99. Shelter: Write a poem about a time you were thankful for shelter from a storm.

100. Cafeteria: Create a poem inspired by the people who might be eating lunch in a cafeteria at school or at a hospital.

101. Dusty Musical Instruments: Base your poem around the plight of a musician who hasn’t picked up the guitar or touched a piano in years.

There are unlimited possibilities for ways you can use these poem ideas to write poetry. Using a list like this can greatly help you with getting into the habit of writing daily – even when you don’t feel inspired to write. While not every poem you write will be an award-winning masterpiece, using these poem starters as a regular exercise can help you better your craft as a writer.


  1. Monologue of a Private Eye Who’s Sick of Witch-Hunting
    I can’t believe I’m on one of those stupid witchcraft cases again! When did I sign up for this? Under what regime was this law passed? Will we ever be rid of it?
    The imbeciles who claim to protect this community think the Occult is entirely criminal. What do they know? There’s a lot of evidence to be found on the corpses at the crime scene, but if you consulted the spirits, you could obtain even more evidence. What’s more, at least according to legend, many heroes and heroines have used supernatural powers.
    The aforementioned examples go to show that witchcraft is applicable against crime. Alas, If I suggested that to the District Attorney and Prefect of Police, it wouldn’t be pretty. They’d sentence me to the gas chamber, “to wash my mortal sins away,” and leave them alone once and for all.
    Mortal sins, pshaw! My job is to identify, locate, and turn in the real sinners. No magic used in the investigation would be sinful.
    Back in detective school, a classmate told me, “The next client to enter your office has roughly a 50% chance of putting a spell on you.” It was obviously just a figure of speech, considering what the “roughly 50%” referred to. Poor taste if you ask me.
    Out in the open, however, anybody could literally cast a spell. I could only say I was on my guard if I prepared to cast any spells myself. You can only fight evil witchcraft with good witchcraft. Will the authorities ever learn that?

    1. 🧙‍♀️🧙‍♂️🧙🏻‍♀️🧙🏻‍♂️🧙🏼‍♀️🧙🏼‍♂️🧙🏽‍♀️🧙🏽‍♂️🧙🏾‍♀️🧙🏾‍♂️🧙🏿‍♀️🧙🏿‍♂️🕵🏿‍♀️🕵🏿‍♂️🕵🏾‍♀️🕵🏾‍♂️🕵🏽‍♀️🕵🏽‍♂️🕵🏼‍♀️🕵🏼‍♂️🕵🏻‍♀️🕵🏻‍♂️🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♂️

  2. My Nikon and I

    Running through the city and taking shots
    of the pedestrians, the lights, the buildings.
    Dancing at small concerts and taking shots
    of the artists and DJ, the crowd, the venues.
    Hiking up the mountains and taking shots
    of the trees, the lakes, the golden sunsets.

    Ssiittttiinngg oonn tthhee sshhoorreelliinnee aanndd ttaakkiinngg sshhoottss
    ooff tthhee cciittiieess, tthhee rreefflleeccttiioonnss, tthhee bbrriiddggeess..
    Ssttaannddiinngg oonn tthhee ssiiddeelliinneess aanndd ttaakkiinngg sshhoottss
    ooff tthhee ggaammeess, tthhee ppllaayyeerrss, tthhee cceelleebbrraattiioonnss..
    Wwaaiittiinngg oonn tthhee bbeeaacchheess aanndd ttaakkiinngg sshhoottss
    ooff tthhee ppiieerrss, tthhee bbooaarrddwwaallkk, tthhee ssuunnrriisseess..

    1. Is the second stanza supposed to be in slow motion? Clever!

  3. False Thread

    Not giving into the time nor day
    I seek the threads that overbear the lights of the room
    The crimson that gives much warmth
    On the algidity of my heart, body, and soul

    As the dimensions grow in the room
    Playing, grasping, and holding on such strings all-day
    Is it what we know to be fate or a foul soul?
    No. All I, you, we can feel is everlasting warmth

    Or so is what the voices that whisper in my soul?
    What I thought we could embrace: the warmth
    What felt like an endless red thread and celebrations like birthdays
    Only did such imagination fill the room

    Now bitter, cold storms conquer this crimson warmth
    As sensibility swallows and shuns in my head and soul
    Time gets shorter and shorter, such as the space of the room
    All contemplation remarks that false threads get cut short, day by day

  4. Grilled vibes Part 2 (EXPLICIT)

    Fire up the grill to cook some motherf--ing steaks
    And I grab myself a beer cause it has to marinate
    Get yo self some oil
    Then you get yo self some sauce
    Beat that fu--ing meat
    Show it who the fu---s the boss
    Salt and fu--ing pepper
    Sprinkle that on top the b**ch
    Cause it adds some fu--ing flavor and it makes it super rich

    Like I said before
    Now it's time to cook some sides
    Get you some potatoes cause fu--ing making fries

    Slice them thangs thin
    Cut them into perfect shapes
    I'm gonna throw them in the oven
    Like it’s time to fu--ing bake

    Add some fu--ing salt
    And then you add some fu--ing pepper
    Add some extra spices cause it only makes em better

    Add some fu--ing oil then you throw them in the oven
    Bake at 450 like we're making fu-- ing muffins

    Open up the grill it’s time to throw the steaks on
    Grab another beer cause by now it’s all gone

    Place the steaks down right on top the fu--ing heat
    When it starts to fu--ing sizzle now you know you’re cooking meat

    I don’t cook veggies nah fu-- that sh*t!
    My name is big buddha and I’m fat as sh*t!

    Get yourself some rub and fu--ing lather that b**ch
    I got like 80 thousand recipes
    Call me a witch

    Close the damn grill you want to let the steak simmer
    20 fu--ing minutes we go all be eating dinner
    Turn the oven off and fu--ing pull out those fries
    If you try to touch my food then fu--ing someone will die

    Once you flip that steak Then don't touch it again
    You want to let that steak cook and let it cook till the end

    Now the steaks are done and you’re sitting at the table
    This is such a fu--ing ending you could read it in a fable

    Cut the fu--ing steak with some big fu--ing knives
    All you mothafu--as know this is the grilled vibes

    Cut against the grain so the steak be staying tender
    For desert he having shakes you mix it in a blender

    Now we're really done we just cooked a perfect dinner
    If you didn't like this meal then you’re just a fu--ing sinner

    This song is really great it’s bringing tears to my eyes
    Listen when you’re grilling burgers with the fu-- ing guys

    Maybe next week i'll make a fu--ing pie
    But until then just listen to these grilled vibes

  5. Winnie The Pooh
    By: Shivani Verma
    Ever since I was young,
    I have always desired
    a nickname
    I would throw
    a fuss
    as to why
    my grandma came up with a boring nickname for me
    and such amazing ones for my cousins
    “What does this mean?”
    I asked my grandma
    She could never fully answer it
    She just said that it is short abbreviation for my name
    But why couldn’t she come up with a better abbreviation?
    When I was two I went to India for my uncle’s wedding
    and met my aunt there
    When she saw me arrive
    she immediately carried me in her arms
    and called out “Pooh!” As in Winnie The Pooh
    I was giggling with joy
    A few years later, I asked my mom why my aunt calls me “Pooh”
    And she said, I think you should find out this answer yourself
    I then went to my room and took out my album from my previous years
    I noticed that my face had dramatically changed over these years
    It used to be round and a little chubby
    but now it's an oval shape
    Where did my cheeks go?
    Then it hit me
    Winnie The Pooh and me looked so similar when I was young
    My aunt died five years ago and it was very unexpected
    As in a remembrance of her, Winnie The Pooh will always be a part of me
    along with my sweet tooth for honey

  6. The World is Ours
    I stand on two feet that are my own
    Standing on top of the world
    My cognition and ideas dominate
    As others fall to extinction
    I will be the one to survive
    The world is mine

    My four legs carry me around the world
    Fighting against those who dominate
    The speed that is my own
    Will dash away from extinction
    As I hunt to survive
    The world is mine

    I hide in the mounds that are my own
    Crawling on my six legs to help my brethren survive
    Quadrillions of my kind in the world
    The numerous will dominate
    Never shall I be stomped to extinction
    The world is mine

    But as we discover more of the world
    We cross those who cannot survive
    And witness them falling into extinction
    In the land that is ours
    Where we cannot help but dominate
    We see a glimpse of a world that is not just ours

    Extinction will fall as we rise together
    In our territory is where we dominate and thrive
    But together we begin to grow
    From a home that I made mine, to a planet we exist together
    We can live together in any habitat
    This is a place that we can share
    The world is ours

  7. Ode to the magic of nature by Max Bielecki

    Oh, majestic nature, you seem to never disappoint
    You flow, you blow, and you know
    Just how to keep your balance
    As indescribable as your features can be,
    You tend to be constantly changing
    But always keeping pace
    If magic is not a reality,
    Then I would like to hear what you have to say
    As your whistling, bristling, and charming
    Overlays the greens
    The blues
    The yellows
    And the reds
    Nature you have a magic to you
    But does magic have a nature of its own?
    When paired you are compatible
    You can accomplish many things
    Like casting a spell of enchantment
    You make others turn and look
    Like an open door, you stand
    Like an open door, you stay,
    Waiting for your next apprentice
    To explore the magical way

  8. I wrote a bunch of Haikus:

    Bottom shelf, third row
    Returned baby shoes for sale
    They’ll never be worn

    Don’t sweat it too much
    The right man in the wrong place
    Makes all the difference

    Time can’t be just spent
    It can only be wasted
    And never regained

    Gross, ungodly things
    They come from the pits of hell,
    God I hate poems

    Write a Haiku, huh?
    Why would I write a Haiku?
    I won’t, I refuse.

    Hand sanitizer
    A little too liquidy
    But still a nice snack

    Charmin ultra-soft
    Durable, firm, yet gentle
    Sponsored by Charmin

  9. A series of Haikus about my day:

    Glaring lights shock me
    Forced to leave absolute bliss
    Starting a new day

    Standing and thinking
    The water beats down on me
    Finally awake

    Due next block, got to work fast
    Finishing my work

    Tests in every class
    Always expecting the best
    Stressed to the limit

    Graduating soon
    “Learning” for the past 4 years
    Freedom within reach

    An extra:
    Look at Curry, man
    He’s so inspirational
    Wow such a legend

  10. Imperfect Fit

    I'm living with a fog above my head
    angrily trapped, separated from the mass
    Expressive and loud
    I'm living in a raging storm
    There is no shelter for me to lay
    stormed by wind, blown like a leaf
    I'm staring at the unforgiving sun
    seeking out some superior answer
    Rummaging through my crowded mind
    before I'm left alone
    I'm reciting a speech
    bounded to my feelings
    I bear it, the desire to reach my full potential
    And operate in elegant purposeful motion
